Commands without Permissions

<aside> <img src="/icons/following_pink.svg" alt="/icons/following_pink.svg" width="40px" /> List of all commands that have permissions:



Adding Custom Text Languages\\CustomText

You can place your custom text file in the above folder.

<aside> 💡 Use this example to understand the basics of creating your first book using custom text.




Using Markdown

You can use basic Minecraft color and formatting codes along with Placeholders.

Bullet Points

* List Item #1
* List Item #2
* List Item #3

Clickable Link

[Display Text](<>)

Clickable Command

[Display Text](/command)

Server Command

[server=command %player%]Display Text[/server]

Hover Text

[hover=Hover content]Display Text[/hover]

Custom Fonts

[font=tinycaps]Your text here[/font]

Page Break