<aside> <img src="/icons/flash_yellow.svg" alt="/icons/flash_yellow.svg" width="40px" /> This module can be turned on or off in Settings/Modules.yml


<aside> <img src="/icons/flash_yellow.svg" alt="/icons/flash_yellow.svg" width="40px" /> This is for an upcoming feature not currently in Epic Core


Core Parameters

effect:[particleName] or ef:[particleName]

radius:[distance] or r:[distance]

particles:[amount] or part:[amount]

duration:[seconds] or dur:[seconds]

speed:[multiplier] or spd:[multiplier]

Shape and Behavior

radiuschange:[distance] or rc:[distance]

maxradius:[distance] or mr:[distance]

rotating or twist


Position and Movement

center:[playerName]/[World],[x],[y],[z] or ct:[...]

offset:[x],[y],[z] or off:[x],[y],[z]

move:[x],[y],[z] or move:[playerName(,[speed])]

maxmovedistance:[distance] or maxd:[distance]

Rotation and Orientation



pitchchange:[degrees] or pitchc:[degrees]

yawchange:[degrees] or yawc:[degrees]

followdirection or fdir

Color and Appearance

color:[r],[g],[b] or c:[r],[g],[b] or c:[hexcode]

Advanced Options

target:[playerName] or tr:[playerName]

hidewhenvanished or hwv


Complex Features

Twist (rotating)

The twist or rotating parameter creates a spiral effect by rotating the particles around their central axis. This is particularly effective when combined with radiuschange:

Pitch and Yaw

Pitch and yaw control the orientation of the particle circle in 3D space:


PitchChange and YawChange

These parameters gradually change the orientation over time, creating dynamic effects:

Basic Structure

The basic structure of a particle animation command is:

/animate start effect:[particleName];parameter1:value1;parameter2:value2;...

Multiple parameters are separated by semicolons (;).


  1. Simple flame circle:

    /animate start effect:flame;r:1;part:20;dur:10
  2. Rainbow halo above player's head:

    /animate start effect:redstone;r:0.5;part:30;off:0,2,0;c:r;dur:30
  3. Expanding spiral of enchantment particles:

    /animate start effect:enchantment_table;r:0.5;rc:0.02;mr:3;part:10;twist;pitchc:5;yawc:5;dur:20
  4. Heart trail following player:

  5. Complex rotating particle sphere:

  6. Pulsating color effect:

  7. Particle fountain:

How Presets Work

  1. Presets are defined in the config file
  2. Each preset can contain multiple effects
  3. When a preset is called, all its effects are executed simultaneously